Real Results. Real Wellness Seekers.
- Jane W. (56yo)
I had a lot of “gut issues” when we started. I had been taking MiraLAX® daily for many years to deal with them, but since working with the MORE program I’m totally off of it. I loved the information you’d send me. The knowledge I’ve gained has changed the way I look at and eat food. I read labels at the store before I buy now, and definitely feel better. I hadn’t really heard of a health coach before reaching out to you. You truly love what you’re doing, and are dedicated to making others’ lives better!
- Amy W. (43yo)
I just feel happier and more in control. I've lost 50lbs, gotten rid of my migraines, and now make “me time” a priority. I’m more aware of how food and sleep and recovery affect my body and my mood. It’s cool to feel empowered to talk with my doctor. I have work to do, but my health, my job and my overall attitude have improved significantly. Your approach has helped me to focus on overall wellness rather than just the number on the scale. I didn’t feel well when I met you, and I was so angry! I was hesitant to work with you because I knew it meant admitting I was struggling and needed help. You made it easy to talk and face my problems. I appreciate that you never hesitated to be direct or to reinforce my choices.
- Lorie G. (50yo)
This program helped me to make change through small goals rather than trying to conquer the world. Today, I am killing it when it comes to making healthier food choices. Prepping and cooking at home each week and not hungry everyday like I used to be. I didn’t know if I was in the right mental space for this process when I started, but you really worked to get to know me and my lifestyle so I could make steady changes that could be sustained.
-Candie S. (62yo)
I’m sleeping better, I’m eating many more foods than I was before, and I’ve even found a way to enjoy eating out again. I was sick and tired, and getting nowhere with my doctor. You really helped me to connect the dots between the foods I was eating and how I felt. My greatest learning is that this isn’t just about my diet; it’s about all the choices I make in my life including stress, energy, sleep and even exercise. I don’t even like the gym but thanks to your patience and creativity I have a plan for exercise MY way. My hips and knees feel better, I have more energy, and I’m even sweating!
- Jennifer K. (50yo)
We continue to cook at home more than we used to. My digestive issues have greatly improved, and I’ve gotten back to a workout routine I’d missed. In the beginning, my hesitation was about confidentiality. It’s not easy for me to open up about some of the most vulnerable areas of my life. But you listened, researched, and did what you could to help with all the issues I was managing all the while keeping it between us. The guidance you gave was very helpful. With so many products out there, it’s hard to know what’s worth my money and what isn’t. You are very passionate, focused and committed to helping your clients.
- Rachelle V.
That's the result of getting off of my allergy meds. I didn't think I could afford to work with someone, but with what I'm saving now it's definitely worth it.
-Ashley D. (37yo)
My digestion system was struggling, I was constantly tired and was experiencing horrible menstrual cycles. My doctor kept telling me it was normal to be this tired and ran a few labs which showed I was very anemic. Her answer to this was to take iron pills, which left me feeling sicker. Her next answer was birth control which I wasn’t willing to take. Instead, I started working with Kara. She acknowledged that my experience wasn’t normal and gave me hope. I now have energy and am working out again. My digestion is better. And my cycles are normal for the first time since I was a teenager. Her knowledge of the body and how everything works together, her persistence, guidance, expertise, and compassion is priceless.
-Mary C. (66yo)
My brain fog is gone, my lab work is improving, and I feel that I've taken charge of my health. I feel better, brighter and lighter all due to Kara showing me the what, the how, and the why of this work. She has consistently helped me to create the action steps necessary to achieve my goals. My biggest win has been regaining hope for a medication free healthy lifestyle future. I'm not out of the woods yet, but I feel like Kara has led me, mostly "crutch free" to the edge of the woods where the sun is, definitely, shining again!
-Carolyn R. (33yo)
My body was getting all the right stuff, plenty of exercise and it still was struggling. After working with MLH, the constipation has gone away. No more bloating. My skin cleared up. I sleep through the night and I'm not afraid of meals. I learned that “ME” time is important for my mental health, and directly impacts physical health. I no longer believe that food is my enemy or that I’m stuck.
- Madi S. (17yo)
It’s easy for people to see changing your food habits as a diet, but now I know it’s not that at all. I was nervous about getting pressured to get results, but you really helped me to see the bigger picture of what I wanted for my health. I feel better about the food choices I’m making now. I used to think salad was healthy eating, but now I know what I need in a meal. Snacking used to be big, but now I’m more conscious of when I’m really hungry. Losing body fat was icing on the cake.The cooler part was what I learned about making healthy choices. Now I can help my dad and my friends.
- Steve B (56yo, Personal Training+Nutrition)
I’m just plain healthier. Heck, I just ran a quarter of a mile in 2:10! Who would’ve thought that just two hours per week of warm-ups, strength work, a short work out and stretching could help with that? My core, legs, and shoulders are stronger and that came in handy during two big home moves this year. Best of all, my “numbers” are where they need to be: BP 120/80; total cholesterol 166 (HDL: 73), triglycerides 109.
Real health – the kind that makes you feel better and enjoy life every day – is a core value for you, and that makes the difference. You know your stuff about food and exercise but use it to custom fit a program that challenges me just right. After this last year of personal training with you, I’ve realized that it’s either I pay you or pay the healthcare system. You’re tough, but I feel better and have a lot of grandkids to hang around for, so I’ll stick with you.
-Sarah C. (47yo)
Despite my knowledge of health and functional medicine, I was feeling the worst I had ever felt. I had a pretty healthy overall lifestyle, but it wasn’t consistent. I tended to jump from thing to thing trying everything. Kara helped me slow down while also digging deep to investigate what might really be going on in my body. Her approach has not only affected the way I look at health challenges and "fix" things but also the way I see my life in general.
-Angie A. (49yo)
My nails and skin are healthier. I no longer crave everything in sight. I don't have to worry about an occasional meal out wrecking me for days. I'm not as thirsty, and I've even gained three hours of sleep a night! My doctor never told me I'd need to do anything different after they removed my gallbladder, but I can't even compare my health after surgery with how (well) I'm feeling today.
- Tom G. (59yo, Personal Training+Nutrition)
Now I can get off the floor without help and walk up stairs without the rail.My daily pain level has, easily, gone from an 8 to a 3 over the 12 weeks. I may even try to golf again, I feel so good. It’s really been a life changing experience. When we met, I was in bad shape and worried about the future. I was in a lot of pain and struggling to even get off the floor on my own. I wasn’t ready to sign up to change my eating habits, and hoped you had some other ideas. In just three weeks (of working on basic mobility and stretching), I already felt better. You convinced me to start working with my massage therapist again and try some supplements and things really changed. I’d never have imagined the simple things you were doing with me could make such a difference. I will definitely keep up the work.
-Michele G. (31yo)
I didn’t believe I could make these changes, and now I’m not happy doing just the minimum. Often it doesn’t feel like little changes count, but talking through small steps really helped me to create a realistic plan I could achieve. Now I want to be an even healthier version of me, and a good example for my patients.
-Wendy S. (47yo)
Kara gets to the nitty gritty of your issues and helps find solutions. Even though her knowledge of functional medicine runs deep she explains things in a way you can understand. You can really tell she cares and that she is invested in you! I really enjoyed working with Kara and would highly recommend her as a health coach!
-Thersa H. (33yo)
I've lost 29lbs and I walk 1-2 miles a day. I'm, definitely, a work in progress but I'm doing it every day and loving it! When I first started working with you, I could only walk 10-15min a day. I was dealing with gall bladder issues and my body was sick and tired! We worked together with my doctor to find the best options possible to get me healthy. I chose surgery and you were there to help with recovery. My biggest win is waking up every day with a healthy mindset, being a role model for my family and friends, and having confidence in myself. Kara, you have a special gift, thank you for sharing a part of that with me!
-Caryn S. (47yo)
This program was unlike any other plan I’ve done; it went far beyond food and my goal to just lose weight. I learned so much about myself, my habits and desires than I ever expected. I just feel better, overall, about my body. When I felt like I was failing, your insight helped me reframe the situation, understand my behavior, and strategize the next steps. You have a special gift and use your talents so wisely. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
-Tricia S. (53yo)
I want to lose weight and be healthier, but I want to be a role model for my teenage daughter even more. Once that became my goal, the way I thought about things changed a lot. I used to hide food from her, but now I don’t have to because I know what I’m eating is healthy. I even feel better asking my doctor questions about my health now. I’m still a work in progress but feel so much more in control of my life and health.
-Allison F. (35yo)
I’m sleeping better, I’m eating many more foods than I was before, and I’ve even found a way to enjoy eating out again. I was sick and tired, and getting nowhere with my doctor. You really helped me to connect the dots between the foods I was eating and how I felt. My greatest learning is that this isn’t just about my diet; it’s about all the choices I make in my life including stress, energy, sleep and even exercise. I don’t even like the gym but thanks to your patience and creativity I have a plan for exercise MY way. My hips and knees feel better, I have more energy, and I’m even sweating!
- Joe G. (56yo, Personal Training+Nutrition)
I’m probably more mobile at 56 than I’ve been since my twenties thanks to our one-on-one time! My 15 years in IT behind a computer had taken a toll on my body. Mobility was a struggle, especially with my hips and shoulders, making basic squats and overhead movements risky.Our training sessions zeroed in on my individual needs, and the at-home exercises you outlined continue to support gains today. I love doing CrossFit with my family and I love how it makes me feel, so I’m grateful for the extra help to keep me in the game.
- Holly H. (44yo)
• I was not being lazy.
• Slow down and listen to your body.
• Be a great (health) detective.
• Trust what your body’s telling you.
-Heather T.
Since last year, I have...
-Rid myself of horrible heart burn/acid reflux,
-Reduced inflammation throughout my body,
-Improved my sleep and my eating habits,
-Improved digestion (no more IBS!),
-Switched from Zyrtec to an all-natural allergy remedy, and
-Added another workout to my week.
- Brandi+Chad L. (41yo)
Honestly, when my husband and I signed on to work with you we thought you’d take everything away. Then we met and learned it was about learning how to eat better and deciding for ourselves what that looked like. You understood we were busy and helped us develop a plan that fit our lifestyle; something we could stick to and see results.
It really is the little things that made the biggest difference. We didn’t realize that skipping meals or eating out were really affecting us so much. I’m surprised how little I miss all the carbs I used to eat! The knee pain my husband had been dealing with for three months is nearly gone now thanks to adding fish oil and some physical therapy he’s off the medication he was taking. And my headaches are gone!
I feel like my whole life has been an effort in losing weight, and now I can finally do it for myself.You were more than a health coach for us; you became a friend. While we don’t always stick to what we learned, we always come back to it.