+ Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach
+ Women's Midlife Health Optimizer
+ Wellness Dot Connector
+ CrossFit Enthusiast
I’m an over-50, Type-A solopreneur with two “cat kids” who’s tackling midlife, Hashimotos, and being a postmenopausal athlete right alongside the ambitiously gritty midlife wellness seekers I coach.
We haven't met yet, but I know that the world is waiting on something only the healthiest you can deliver. I'm on a mission to make sure no one misses out on that, especially not you.
I can’t wait to partner with you to restore the energy, metabolism, balance, and body confidence you've been craving, but watching you become your own brave, bold health champion is my passion.
My father survived his cancer diagnosis but my mother didn’t, despite her all-natural, witch-doctor ways. These major health scares with my parents set the stage for an up-close-and-personal look at the harsh truths about traditional healthcare and the critical roles trauma and personal agency can play in the game of staying well.
After 10+ years helping others to navigate change in the corporate world, I dove all in on a professional transition into functional fitness (CrossFit™) and nutrition. I believed I’d found the answer to long-term health and the prescription seemed simple: Eat more broccoli, Do more sit-ups, Find a community that encourages you to show up to do it with them.
Imagine my surprise when my fitness clients stopped making progress with the one-size-fits-all protocol I kept handing out.
Turns out it was ME who was missing something. That something was the full story of health behind the unique person standing right in front of me. That experience flipped my script on true health and wellness and changed the blueprint for helping clients reach their goals. My hobby became a calling. Functional medicine provided the roadmap to individualized health and healing. And, in 2016, More Life & Health was born.
At the age of 45, I was convinced that I was a testament to the fact that perimenopause doesn’t have to be marked symptoms that make you feel less than your best. I felt great, was accomplishing loads in my professional life, and still felt like a champ while training. I’d never have believed that only a few years later I’d be facing...
...crushing iron anemia.
…training injuries.
…irritability I couldn’t shake.
…weight gain that wouldn’t budge.
…personal and professional burnout I could no longer push through.
My body and brain screamed “Stop!” but I had no time for that. I was too busy teaching others how to tackle this stuff!
I wanted some structure. I needed some guidance.
It was time for ME to grab a health partner who could help me draft a plan to hit the two hardest milestones ahead:
1. Where to start
2. Where to go next
I was struck by another personal revelation – I was the one keeping me sick.
Fed up and plain tired, I took on healing slowly, one small (impatient) step at a time.
Best of all, I’ve demonstrated what I teach – the body gets sick and well in a preditable way, one we can't simply “biohack”, supplement, or gut our way through. It requires a systematic approach, a recommitment to the wellness basics, and us to slow down and listen.
National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach
Applied Functional Medicine Certified Coach
Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach
Certified Integrative Nutrition Coach
CrossFit® Level 2 Trainer
With 10 years of experience helping people develop strategies for integrating healthy movement into daily life
Change Facilitator
With over a decade of experience helping adults navigate transition in the corporate arena
Educator (MAT / MSEd)
Experienced in using behavior modification strategies to equip kids to be successful at learning and life.